December 2011

Political Café - Defuse the debt crisis

On December 16th Jubilee Netherlands is organising a Political Café in collaboration with Both ENDS and Oxfam Novib. The purpose of the meeting is to connect the debt problems of developing countries to the current debt crisis in Europe.

What lessons can be learned from past debt relief initiatives and in which way were they successful?

• Sjoera Dikkers, MP for the PvdA (social democrats)
• Geske Dijkstra, Debt expert from Erasmus University
• Bernard Anaba, Policy analyst ISODEC, Ghana
• Jürgen Kaiser - Jubilee Germany



Talk and think along at our Political Café.

Café Dudok
Hofweg 1-a, The Hague
14.00 - 17.00 hrs, with drinks afterwards

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Both ENDS exists 25 years

In the past quarter of a century we have become a strong, professional network organisation, working with many partners in countries around the globe on environmental and development issues. We are very proud that we were given the opportunity to work with inspiring people all over the world who, often in very difficult circumstances, are taking small steps to create a fairer and greener world.

We would like to invite everyone that has been engaged with Both ENDS in the past to post any kind of message or memory about our cooperation or about our joint achievements on our Facebook page.


nieuwjaarswens2011 met tekst zonder logo copy goed

We would like to thank all of you for your support, your trust, your inspiration and strength. That is what keeps us all going and motivates us to continue.

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Small farmers and jatropha, does it work?

In the beginning of October 2011, Tim Senden travelled to Tanzania for Both ENDS. In Tanzania he interviewed a number of organisations that are working on small-scale jatropha production.

Thousands of small-scale farmers grow the jatropha seeds - which give a rich oil that can be used for energy production - along sides their food crops. Most of the seeds are sold to a company that exports the oil to Europe. From the remaining seeds they make soap which is sold on the local market.



Is this a sustainable production model - unlike the big jatropha plantations - from which Tanzanian small-scale farmers can profit?

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Both ENDS supports Stuart Hugo Jabini

Stuart Hugo Jabini, a Saramakan who was raised on the Upper Surinam River, made a stand against the plans of the Surinam government to cut down the forest in which his community lives.

On his behalf the Forest People Programme (FPP), a non-governmental organisation that campaigns for the rights of indigenous forest people, won a case against the Surinam government at the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. The court forbid the plans of exploiting the Saramakan territory for industrial development.

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Photo by Vicente Franco/Courtesy of Goldman Environmental Prize

This resulted in an international landmark ruling for indigenous and tribal communities to prevent exploitation of their livelihoods.

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Weblog Daniëlle Hirsch

This week Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen returned to the number one of the top 2000 of all times. I fully agree. Should there be a top 2000 for the most moving songs of all times, I would probably choose "Imagine". John Lennon shows a vision of a world that seems to lie at our fingertips. If only everyone would take small steps into bringing this world closer. Lennon asks us listeners to gather around and change that ideal world into a reality.

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